
Jayne Morgan

Managing Director

Professional Qualifications – Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management, Chartered Member of CIPD

Other Qualifications - Qualified assessor for Hogan Personality Inventory, qualified SHL Psychometric Assessor. Job Evaluation (Hay) Assessor, Solutions Focused Coach and Certified Bucket List Coach.

Sector experience – Experience of working in diverse and challenging global industries in Marine, Logistics and Supply Chain.

Voluntary Work - I support a local homeless drop in shelter which is a very humbling experience.  I am very keen to help homeless people because it only takes one month of missing a rent or mortgage payment to be living on the streets. My husband and I support African Vision Malawi which helps children and vulnerable people in Malawi. 

One word to describe you – Resilient                                                                      

Greatest Achievement – Marrying my husband and organising our wedding in Italy.  Although everyone knew they were going to a wedding, we managed to keep all the details top secret from our guests until they arrived at the airport to jump on a coach to take them to the venue.  Every friend and family member still talk about the weekend 4 years on with passion; they have all badgered us into organising another weekend at the same venue for our 5th wedding anniversary.

Why is Work/life balance important to you? – it means that I am able to be in control of my life without the stresses and tensions taking over, to spend my time on things that matter most to me; being present for my husband, family and friends as well as work colleagues.I want to feel passionate about things I do without making awkward sacrifices and it helps me to be a well-rounded person.