Tanja Crimi-Turner
HR Administrator
Voluntary Work - In Pre-Pandemic-times, I produced Comedy Nights at local theatres/venues, all in the name of charity. Each event was dedicated to individual charities. They were great successes and a fun way to fundraise without having to climb mountains or run marathons!
Sector Experience - With a diverse work experience that started in Admin in the Fashion Industry and Architecture, to spending a decade as a sole trader, moving on as a Comedy Events Organiser to a SEN teaching assistant and all the way back to Admin.
One Word to Describe You - Considerate
Greatest Achievement -I have so many great achievements in my personal life that any professional achievements pale into insignificance.
Why is Work/Life Balance Important to You? - Work-life balance is an important element of a healthy work environment. It helps one to be more productive in all aspects of life.